I3CarbonTraineesReport.pdf (carbonlandscape.org.uk)
The Carbon Landscape Trainees project offered un-employed people the opportunity to learn traditional heritage and conservation management skills whilst undertaking a paid traineeship in Environment Conservation. The programme significantly overachieved!
- 10 Trainees (target 9)
- 100% success rate for trainees gaining employment in the sector. Trainees went on to work for Natural England, Lancashire Wildlife Trust, Mersey Rivers Trust, Groundwork Trust, RSPB and a land-based project in Scotland and some of them went straight in at manager level.
- 131 Hectares of land improved (target 75ha)
- 440 people benefitting from trainee projects (target 250)
- 191 attendees of workshops led by trainees (target 170)
- 5 Reports / Management by trainees
- £17,200 Income generated
The trainees literally turned their hands to everything and were regularly pushed outside their comfort zones. They also formed strong friendships and allyships. The standout aspects for nature were the trainees organising Wildlife ID Skills Workshops on various sites across the Carbon Landscape and the supporting of many events at the Gateways sites. The portfolio projects were incredibly important for new understanding in nature and included nationally important work around bog bush crickets, green bridges and a management plan for a new stepping-stone site.
Do you feel this traineeship has been useful? – “Yes, definitely” “Absolutely.” “Incredibly so”
Do you feel this has helped your career? – “it has boosted my confidence that I would be able to carry out a role, even if I have to learn some skills on the job. I was also able to get advice from other team members and improve my job applications.”
“Most definitely. I can assure you, if it weren’t for the Carbon Landscape traineeship I wouldn’t be going into my next job at Natural England.”
Into the future
Overall, trainees are critical to successful Landscape Scale Partnerships. The personal projects have gone onto inform further projects within the Lancashire Wildlife Trust and in the wider partnership. They are available to view on the resource centre of the website and prove that even people who are at the start of their career, if they are passionate and willing, they can bring understanding to nature conservation and relevance for local people.
All of the Carbon Landscape’s Trainees gained employment within the environment sector following the completion of their traineeship, which is just fantastic!